
Soft Foods for Wisdom Teeth


Having the experience of wisdom teeth extraction is expected due to many reasons. Soft foods for wisdom teeth are critical for quick recovery that supports the healing at extraction area. Here is the best advice for which food to stock up on post wisdom tooth removal.

The important part in it is the pain control and how it affects the dietary plan of patient once he or she undergoes through dental procedure. As the change in diet soft and dry food could have significant impact on nutritional status of patient but it all relates to pain control and healing.

If you have impacted wisdom teeth due to coming at an unusual angle, the dentists often suggest the removal of wisdom teeth to avoid any complications. You must eat soft foods that you are still recovering from teeth extraction.


The Soft Foods for Wisdom Teeth to Eat Right After Dental Extraction

The dentist recommends soft foods to eat after the dental procedure so that it does not hurt the area that went through the procedure. The foods are selected, which helps the area in healing quickly. The following foods are taken after dental surgery or tooth extraction.

  • Apple Sauce
  • Yogurt
  • Ice Cream (excluding Candies)
  • Pudding
  • Jell-O
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Smoothies
  • Mushed Fruits such as Banana or Avocado
  • Beef Broth
  • Hummus
  • Completely cooked vegetables
  • Soup
  • Instant Oatmeal
  • Lukewarm Coffee or Tea


When can I start eating food after wisdom teeth?

If you have recently had your wisdom teeth removed, you are probably wondering when you can start eating solid foods again. It is important to follow your dentist’s instructions and give your mouth time to heal before you start eating hard or crunchy foods. In general, you should wait at least a week before eating any solid foods.

Waiting for a week will give your mouth time to heal and the tissue to start to knit back together. You can start with soft foods like soup or mashed potatoes and then gradually move on to harder foods. Once you start eating solid foods again, be sure to eat slowly and chew carefully to avoid irritating your mouth.


How long do you have to eat mushy food after wisdom teeth?

Having wisdom teeth removed is a common surgical procedure that is usually done to prevent crowding of the teeth or to avoid potential problems with the wisdom teeth erupting. After the surgery, it is important to eat soft foods that will not irritate the surgical site. But how long do you have to eat mushy food after wisdom teeth removal?

Most people can return to a normal diet within a week after surgery. However, it is important to avoid hard or crunchy foods during this time as they can cause pain or irritation at the surgical site. If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to ask your dentist or surgeon.


When can I stop worrying about dry socket?

Dry socket is a painful condition that can occur after a tooth is extracted. It happens when the blood clot that forms in the extraction site is either not formed correctly or becomes dislodged. Dry socket can be very painful and can make it difficult to eat or drink.

Most people will start to feel better within a few days of their tooth being extracted. However, in some cases, dry socket can last for several weeks. If you are still experiencing pain after a week, it is important to see your dentist so they can treat the condition.


How do you know when a blood clot falls out?

If you have a blood clot, you may be wondering how you will know when it falls out. There are a few different signs and symptoms that you may experience when a blood clot falls out. These can include bleeding, pain, and swelling.

If you experience any of these signs or symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention right away. Blood clots can be very dangerous and can lead to serious health complications if they are not treated promptly.


Can I eat or drink before an appointment for wisdom teeth extraction?

It is best to avoid eating or drinking anything for at least six hours before your appointment for wisdom teeth extraction. This will help minimize the risk of complications during the procedure. However, if you are very thirsty, you may drink a small amount of water.

Can We Take Liquids After Tooth Extraction. What about Coffee? 

Yes, the good news for coffee loves is that they can enjoy the coffee but a lukewarm one. Please avoid using a straw with coffee or any drink after extraction. The suction produced due to straw can create a painful condition called dry socket and can hurt the wisdom teeth stitches.


When to Start Eating after Wisdom Tooth Removal?

The patient usually starts eating solid food after one week of procedure roughly. It depends upon the instructions given by your surgeon for fast recovery.

When to Start Eating after Wisdom Tooth Removal?

The soft foods that are suggested to be taken a right after 24 hours are instant oatmeal, scrambled eggs, Pancake and soft pasta. If you face any problem in eating after the procedure, don’t hesitate to talk to your oral surgeon.


Thumb Rule for Soft Foods after Wisdom Teeth Removal

The thumb rule for soft foods is simple; the food should be easily mashed with a fork. Use a variety of food for a range of nutrition required for quick healing.

Some suggestions for what food should be contained are as follow:

  • Carbohydrates:  These are important for energy. Rice, Oat Porridge, Mashed Potatoes and grain biscuits are instant sources of carbohydrates. You may use milk with whole-grain biscuits.
  • Protein: Protein is essential for growth and repair. Soft boiled or scrambled eggs are rich in protein. Tofu, baked beans, steamed salmon are often taken for this purpose.
  • Dairy: Dairy plays a vital role in fulfilling the calcium needs of the body. Smoothies, milkshakes, yogurt, pudding, and cottage cheese are essential sources of calcium.
  • Fruits and Vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are the prime sources of vitamins and minerals. The essential fruits and vegetables for the purpose are mashed carrots, avocado, banana, poached pear.


Top Tip: Cool Your Food after Wisdom Tooth Removal

The key to recovery after wisdom tooth removal is cooling your food. Eat the food at lukewarm or cool temperatures because heat can dissolve the blood clot necessary for healing the wound. Heat can dissolve the clot, which may release a bout of bleeding that may slow down your recovery process.


Read Also: Care Guide for Wisdom Teeth Stitches | Aftercare Tips and More



In conclusion, the best soft foods for wisdom teeth after extraction are those that are easy to chew and swallow. Some good options include soup, applesauce, mashed potatoes, and scrambled eggs. If you have had your wisdom teeth extracted, please leave your valued feedback in the comment section.



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